Samstag, 3. September 2011

I am such a lousy blogger

I can’t really handle blogging at the moment or even at all... It’s too much of an effort for me I think becaue Unitversity is freaking me out at the moment.It was a bit… hard… so I am not really sure how it all went, but I think I did okay.Nevertheless I am alright and I'm doin' fine, thanks!

Sometimes I feel a bit exhausted because we have to hand in a few assignments for the uni and we had a kind of "annoying" roommate for the last 10 days, who snored that much, that I was completely unable to sleep. Thanks for that, mate!

But apart from this and the uni I've spend a great time at Turramurra Public School doing my prac there and I've already done my teaching stuff. That's awesome!
I love the kids (and I think they like me, too ;) ) and I really learned a lot.

I hunted fo a job and finally started working two weeks ago (or already thress??? O my God, time flies!!!) which shed some light on my situation, because money makes the world go round! ;)

more interesting news coming soon... I have to go to work now, but hopefully I can mange it tomorrow or at least next week!

Hope, you are doin' well!!!

puss och kram

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